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Unique invention eliminates cross contamination and waste

View in newsroom GloveU Hygiene Platforms AB, a Swedish innovation company, launches a patented system to apply disposable gloves. The GloveU DT100 automatically applies the glove on the hand in less than 3 seconds. The system reduces cross-contamin...

Unik innovation ger bättre handhygien – och sparar tid

  Varje år används cirka 100 miljarder engångshandskar. Användarna återfinns inom olika segment – inte minst inom hälso- och sjukvården. Svenska GloveU Hygiene Platforms vill revolutionera hanteringen av engångshand...

First DT100 trial in the field

We are testing the DT100 in real environment at OKQ8 in Umeå, Västerbotten. We are aiming to get customer feedback and bring the improvements into our next prototype round and into the final product to be manufactured in May.