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Unique invention eliminates cross contamination and waste

View in newsroom GloveU Hygiene Platforms AB, a Swedish innovation company, launches a patented system to apply disposable gloves. The GloveU DT100 automatically applies the glove on the hand in less than 3 seconds. The system reduces cross-contamin...

Unik innovation ger bättre handhygien – och sparar tid

  Varje år används cirka 100 miljarder engångshandskar. Användarna återfinns inom olika segment – inte minst inom hälso- och sjukvården. Svenska GloveU Hygiene Platforms vill revolutionera hanteringen av engångshand...

Unique invention eliminates cross contamination and waste

View in newsroom GloveU Hygiene Platforms AB, a Swedish innovation company, launches a patented system to apply disposable gloves. The GloveU DT100 automatically applies the glove on the hand in less than 3 seconds. The system reduces cross-contamin...